Philosophies of Happiness

Philosophies of Happiness

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 63 , Segment 4

Christmas Movies, Therapy Is Cool, Mark Haley, Philosophies of Happiness

Episode: Christmas Movies, Therapy Is Cool, Mark Haley, Philosophies of Happiness

  • Dec 12, 2018 4:00 pm
  • 36:32

More and more these days, the world seems dark. Physically we’re in the winter months and there’s actually less light, but on top of that, we seem trapped in cycles of tragedy: a 24-hour news cycle that gives us unhappiness anytime we bother to pay attention to it, combined with the stress of the end of a year. The holidays are just around the corner and in spite of that, happiness can seem farther from reach than ever. Why is happiness so difficult to define? And how can we create more of it in our lives and in the lives of the people we care about? Here to discuss these questions and the many philosophies of happiness is Katie Craig.