Christmas Movies, Therapy Is Cool, Mark Haley, Philosophies of Happiness
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 63
- Dec 12, 2018 7:00 am
- 102:28
Christmas Movies (00:00) Producer Rod Gustafson joins Lisa to talk about their favorite Christmas movies. Movies mentioned include Stalking Santa, and It’s a Wonderful Life. Therapy Is Cool (15:16) There is still a sort of stigma around those seeking therapy. Some people assume that only crazy people need therapy or that it’s only for those who have officially hit rock bottom. Tiffany Roe, licensed mental health counselor and owner of Mindful Counseling in Orem, Utah, is out on a mission to change these misconceptions and negative stigmas. She sells T-shirts that say “Therapy is cool” and throws dance parties to promote the message that getting the mental health support that you need is something to celebrate, not to hide. You can learn more about her at her website. Holiday Traditions (31:26) Lisa explores some different Christmas traditions from around the world, including the Swedish tradition of the Gavle Goat and the Norwegian Christmas tradition of hiding their brooms. Mark Haley (50:02) A few days into January, Mark Haley was competing in drag racing when his car went out of control and burst into flames. His body was badly burned and he has lost most of his hands. When he was released from hospital on November 14, he faced a new life experience. Mark is here with us to talk about how even in the midst of pain and anguish, there are still amazing things we can learn and do. He is a father, a husband, and a carpenter. Philosophies of Happiness (1:05:56) More and more these days, the world seems dark. Physically we’re in the winter months and there’s actually less light, but on top of that, we seem trapped in cycles of tragedy: a 24-hour news cycle that gives us unhappiness anytime we bother to pay attention to it, combined with the stress of the end of a year. The holidays are just around the corner and in spite of that, happiness can seem farther from reach than ever. Why is happiness so difficult to define? And how can we create more of it in our lives and in the lives of the people we care ab