Preschool Expulsion

Preschool Expulsion

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1675 , Segment 5

Vaccine Approval, Giant Goldfish, Reality Shifting

Episode: Vaccine Approval, Giant Goldfish, Reality Shifting

  • Aug 30, 2021 8:00 pm
  • 18:54 mins

In the US, 250 preschoolers are suspended or expelled every single school day—a higher number than K-12 students. Preschoolers aren’t doing drugs or vandalizing school property, so why are they getting so harshly punished? A handful of states have bills pending right now to ban preschool expulsion or have already done so. Kate Zinsser has been researching this practice for her forthcoming book, “No Longer Welcome: The Epidemic of Expulsion from Early Childhood Education.” She’s a psychology professor at the University of Illinois-Chicago. (Segment produced by Cole Cummings)