International Law Update

International Law Update

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 3 , Segment 1

Int'l Law, Hockey Moms, Mindfulness, John Locke, Ethics

Episode: Int'l Law, Hockey Moms, Mindfulness, John Locke, Ethics

  • Feb 11, 2015 10:00 pm
  • 21:31

Guest: Eric Jensen, Professor at BYU’s Reuben Clark Law School  Obama looks to Congress for an approval to wage a war against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. “This makes me think he might be contemplating much more serious activity against ISIS. He has in his mind, he cannot win this war without US ground troops,” says Jensen, “and he wants to go back to congress to get them. He is clearly seeking an operation to use the US military to carry out this task.”  “A hostage taking is clearly against the law. It’s an unfortunate but emerging principle that some of these violent extremist are using as a leverage to further their influence,” says Jensen.