Sundance Film Festival: Land of Mine
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 224 , Segment 4
Iowa Caucuses, Sundance Film Festival, Constitution, Volkswagen
Episode: Iowa Caucuses, Sundance Film Festival, Constitution, Volkswagen
- Feb 2, 2016 11:00 pm
- 13:49 mins
Guest: Chip Oscarson, PhD, Associate Professor of Interdisciplinary Humanities and Scandinavian Studies and Coordinator for the International Cinema Studies Program at BYU One of the more devastating tactics of ISIS is their recruitment of youth as foot soldiers. But, really, sending teenagers to war is nothing new. In 1945, at the end of World War II, 2,000 German POWs—many of them just in their teens—were forced to clear a million and half land mines buried in the Western beaches of Denmark. Half of these prisoners were killed or injured. This event is dramatized in a brutal—and at the same time, tender—new film out of Denmark. It’s called Land of Mine and it made its American premiere at the Sundance Film Festival last week.