S2 E31: Strangers into Friends - Stories by Dolores Hydock and Sam + Paul O'Sullivan Band
The Apple Seed - Season 2, Episode 31
- Sep 15, 2022 6:00 am
- 52:50
In this big world, there are plenty of people that we don't know, and some we may never know. Yet, we all have a story about the unlikely connections we've had with the strangers around us. On today's episode, we have many stories of people and their stories about interactions they have had with the strangers around them, and how their lives have changed for the better because of those experiences. (5:06) "Big Number Reunion" by Dolores Hydock: Dolores Hydock joins us in the Apple Seed studio to share her experience at a high school reunion. Over 800 miles from her present day home, she finds herself in a room full of people she didn't know. But, in the end, she finds herself learning things about her old classmates that she wouldn't have known if she hadn't been put in that situation. She learns that we are all more alike than we realize. We all end up in the same place, no matter what our paths may have looked like on the way there. (21:14)"The Home Team" by Sam Payne. Sam sings a song that he wrote, which was inspired by Dolores Hydock's story about her high school reunion. He had imagined the story of a man and his experience going back to his hometown, and seeing his old high school. Sometimes we all need a visit back to where we came from, and to be given another chance to root for the home team. (32:02)Radio Family Journal by Sam Payne. Sam shares a memory about being in a musical theater in his school days. When he comes across the mailing information for Stephen Sondheim, he decides to send him a letter. To his surprise, he got a response! And what comes to follow from that response was worth keeping. This memory lives on for Sam, and we hope it sparks a memory that lives on for you that you can share with those you love. (41:35) The Paul O'Sullivan Band: Have you ever found someone with your same name? Well, a man named Paul O'Sullivan found not one, not two, but three other people also named Paul O'Sullivan on Facebook. He decided to reach out to them on a whim and see what would happen. Little did he