Revising No Child Left Behind

Revising No Child Left Behind

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 112 , Segment 6

Guns, Gluten, and the GOP

Episode: Guns, Gluten, and the GOP

  • Jul 29, 2015 9:00 pm
  • 14:30 mins

Guest: Vern Henshaw, Ph. D., Superintendent of the Alpine School District in Utah  The much-maligned federal education act called “No Child Left Behind” is as close as it’s ever been to official retirement. Both the US House and Senate have passed bills to revise – or effectively replace  - No Child Left Behind. They’re now in the arduous process of reconciling differences in the two versions of the bill. What they share in common is a move to scale back the federal government’s role in public education.  In the 14 years since No Child Left Behind became law during the George W. Bush administration, it has been criticized for creating a legacy of “test, blame and punish.” But it has also made it more difficult for schools to mask gaps in achievement between high and low-income students, whites and minorities.