Charming, Silly Poems About Life for Kids and Kids-at-Heart

Charming, Silly Poems About Life for Kids and Kids-at-Heart

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 824 , Segment 6

Hurricane Maria's True Toll on Puerto Rico, Housing Assistance Reform, Rethinking How to Teach the Holocaust

Episode: Hurricane Maria's True Toll on Puerto Rico, Housing Assistance Reform, Rethinking How to Teach the Holocaust

  • May 31, 2018 11:00 pm
  • 20:14

(Originally aired 12/14/2017) Guest: Chris Harris, Comedy Writer, TV Producer, Author of “I’m Just No Good at Rhyming: And Other Nonsense for Mischievous Kids and Immature Grown-Ups” Chris Harris’ book “I’m Just No Good at Rhyming: And Other Nonsense for Mischievous Kids and Immature Grown-Ups” is sure to make you laugh. It’s illustrated and, ostensibly for kids, but also immature grown-ups, as the book’s subtitle indicates. Chris Harris is a comedy writer and TV producer who worked on The Late Show with David Letterman, among other shows. This is his first foray into children’s poetry.

Hurricane Maria's True Toll on Puerto Rico

May 31, 2018
17 m

Guest: Alexis R. Santos-Lozada, PhD, Director of Graduate Studies in Applied Demography, Department of Sociology and Criminology, and Research Affiliate in the Population Research Institute (PRI), Penn State University When the Category 4 Hurricane Maria touched down on September 20th of last year, it caused extensive damage. Many on the island were without electricity for months. And yet, miraculously, the Puerto Rican government said only 64 people lost their lives in the storm. Then, in December, demographer Alexis Santos, of Penn State University, published a study estimating at least a thousand people died because of the storm. This week, a new estimate published in the New England Journal of Medicine by a team at Harvard places the death toll around 4,500. That would make Hurricane Maria the deadliest in US history, outpacing even Katrina, which killed 1,833 in 2005.

Guest: Alexis R. Santos-Lozada, PhD, Director of Graduate Studies in Applied Demography, Department of Sociology and Criminology, and Research Affiliate in the Population Research Institute (PRI), Penn State University When the Category 4 Hurricane Maria touched down on September 20th of last year, it caused extensive damage. Many on the island were without electricity for months. And yet, miraculously, the Puerto Rican government said only 64 people lost their lives in the storm. Then, in December, demographer Alexis Santos, of Penn State University, published a study estimating at least a thousand people died because of the storm. This week, a new estimate published in the New England Journal of Medicine by a team at Harvard places the death toll around 4,500. That would make Hurricane Maria the deadliest in US history, outpacing even Katrina, which killed 1,833 in 2005.

How Would Housing Assistance Reforms Affect Poor Americans?

May 31, 2018
18 m

Guest: Alex Schwartz, PhD, Professor at Milano School of International Affairs, Management, and Urban Policy at the New School, and Author of “Housing Policy in the United States” Housing in America is expensive and the national system to subsidize rent for low-income Americans doesn’t come close to filling the need. Only one in four families who qualify to receive housing assistance actual gets it, the rest are stuck on waiting lists that are years long. A new proposal from the Trump Administration aims to put the housing assistance system on a more financially sustainable path. But the suggested changes will mean tripling the rent currently paid by the poorest families. That’s attracted a lot of criticism from housing advocates and experts.

Guest: Alex Schwartz, PhD, Professor at Milano School of International Affairs, Management, and Urban Policy at the New School, and Author of “Housing Policy in the United States” Housing in America is expensive and the national system to subsidize rent for low-income Americans doesn’t come close to filling the need. Only one in four families who qualify to receive housing assistance actual gets it, the rest are stuck on waiting lists that are years long. A new proposal from the Trump Administration aims to put the housing assistance system on a more financially sustainable path. But the suggested changes will mean tripling the rent currently paid by the poorest families. That’s attracted a lot of criticism from housing advocates and experts.