Birth Plans, Agent of Influence, Car Seat Safety, Hoarding, Animation Imagination, Summer Fashion

Birth Plans, Agent of Influence, Car Seat Safety, Hoarding, Animation Imagination, Summer Fashion

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 196

  • Jun 20, 2019 6:00 am
  • 101:10
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Birth Plans (00:00) OB/GYN Dr. Adeeti Gupta discusses what plans you can make for when you go into labor so that things can go as smoothly as possible. Agent of Influence (12:07) Jason Hanson, bestselling author of "Agent of Influence" and former CIA officer, talks about the skills he learned as a spy that translate into the world of business. Car Seat Safety (32:02) Rebecca Edwards, Senior Security Writer and Safety Expert at SafeWise, tells us the things we absolutely need to be doing in order to use a car seat safely. Hoarding (50:34) Hoarding expert Gail Steketee talks about what causes people to struggle with hoarding, and what loved ones can do to start helping them overcome their challenge. Animation Imagination (1:04:57) Professional animator and professor Kelly Loosli discusses what it takes to make an animated film, where animation is headed, and how we can use our imagination the way an animator does. Summer Fashion (1:23:40) Fashion guru and personal brand consultant Fotini Copeland explains how to use fashion to enhance your personal brand, and gives fashion advice for this summer's new trends.