International Law, Terrorism, Deception, Cookstoves, Lotions

International Law, Terrorism, Deception, Cookstoves, Lotions

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 192

  • Dec 8, 2015 7:00 am
  • 102:48
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International Law w/ Eric Jensen (1:03) Guests: Eric Jensen, JD, Associate Professor of Law at BYU  How is the fight against ISIS evolving in light of the group’s link to the San Bernardino attack last week. Why is it important that officials identify that attack as one by terrorists? How is US involvement in Syria changing now that special operations forces are to be sent there?  Effects of Terrorism (29:05) Guest: Yitzhak Fried, PhD, Area Coordinator and Trinity Professor of Management at Texas Tech’s Rawls College of Business  Israel is where researchers focused their efforts for an article just out in the Journal of Organizational Behavior. They were specifically interested in what happens to work-life when people have a heightened fear of terror attacks. To what extent has terrorism affected American minds and how is the fear of attacks affecting our well-being and work life?  Apple Seed (40:22) Guest: Sam Payne, Host of BYUradio’s “The Apple Seed” ?  Sam Payne joins us in studio and captivates us with a new story.  Kids and Deception (51:24) Guest: Rose Scott, PhD, Developmental Psychologist and Associate Professor at the University of Califorina, Merced.  It's likely you’ve had the experience of looking into the eyes of an infant and wondering just how much she understands. How aware is he of the people around him and what they’re expressing? Study after study has begun to show that babies are capable of much more than we previously thought. Researchers at the University of California, Merced have recently discovered that kids recognize lying and deceit even before they’re able to talk.  Cleaner Cookstoves (1:10:17) Guest: Garrett Allawatt, PhD, Student of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Washington    Nearly half of the world’s population relies on something called a three-stone fire for cooking and heating. That is, three-stones propping up a pot over an open flame. The smoke and fumes causes millions of deaths each year. In Kenya, women journey on foot for hours to collect enoug