- Nov 22, 2016 7:00 am
- 57:04 mins
The last months of the year are marked by a pretty special spirit of generosity. As the leaves fall from the trees and the snow piles up on the sidewalks, there’s something in the air that reminds us to be giving. The best way to warm ourselves against a dreary winter is to see the good in the world. Ralph Waldo Emerson once advised, “cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” Stories included in this episode: Harvest Every year, a young Kevin helps his grandparents prepare for the Fall Harvest feast. To learn more about Kevin Kling visit www.kevinkling.com The Grateful Life A song about having an appreciative eye toward life performed by The Yellow Room Gang. To find more of their music visit yellowroomgang.com So-and-So and Son A Thanksgiving anecdote from Sam Payne himself. Abundant Blessings Davy Crockett, sibling rivalry, sweet potato casserole help a little boy learn about getting far more than you deserve in the Thanksgiving story about Abundant Blessings. To find more of Dolores Hydock's work visit www.storypower.org A Baker's Dozen An Italian tale about preparing for the most wonderful time of the year, and a reminder that a little generosity goes a long way. To learn more about Antoinette Griffin visit www.storieswithantoinette.com The Gift A bilingual English/Spanish tale about a long time ago when the sun went away and how people learned to be more mindful of the world around them. To learn more about Michael Katz visit www.storytellermichael.com