S7 E11: Brave - Stories for the Whole Family by Carolina the Storyteller and Ed Stivender

S7 E11: Brave - Stories for the Whole Family by Carolina the Storyteller and Ed Stivender

The Apple Seed - Season 7, Episode 11

  • Sep 5, 2024 6:00 am
  • 32:55
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Gather your family to listen to stories about true bravery in the face of your fears and doing the right thing. (1:06) "Pedrito and the Skull" - Carolina the Storyteller shares a story where young Pedrito is the only one brave enough to face the haunted skull. (9:19) Sam Payne tells a story about being scared by his neighborhood ghost stories. (15:14) "Rush Cape" - Ed Stivender tells a story about a young princess who becomes banished by her father, finds another castle, and tries to discard her previous story as she reinvents herself under the name Rush Cape. She helps to heal the prince with a soup, a dance, and a special ingredient, but the story does not end there. "Rush Cape" is a variant of an old tale type called "Loves Like Salt," which itself is a variant of "Cinderella." Perhaps you recognized the similarity of the beginning of the story to "King Lear." It is thought that Shakespeare based "King Lear," in part, on "Loves Like Salt." Stories bring us together. What stories and memories were sparked for you as you listened? And who will you share them with? The Apple Seed is a production of BYUradio and is hosted by storyteller Sam Payne. Key Words: Stories, Storytelling, Storyteller, Family, Courage, Bravery, Spanish, Children, Scary, Cinderella, Shakespeare, Princess, Love