Conservationists’ Efforts to Preserve the Coco de Mer Palm Tree

Conservationists’ Efforts to Preserve the Coco de Mer Palm Tree

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1783 , Segment 2

Designer Dogs, Rare Palm, Rat Tickling

Episode: Designer Dogs, Rare Palm, Rat Tickling

  • Jun 8, 2022 6:00 am
  • 17:05

The world’s biggest seed is in danger. It comes from a palm tree called Coco de Mer, and it’s only located on the island nation of Seychelles. There are only about 8,000 of these trees left – partially due to poaching for the 40-pound seed. Christopher Kaiser-Bunbury says the islanders are rallying together to fight Coco de Mer’s impending extinction. He’s a research associate with the Seychelles Island Foundation that’s running the project and is a Senior Lecturer in Conservation & Ecology at the University of Exeter. (Segment Produced by Cecelia Foster) (Photo Credit: Christopher Kaiser-Bunbury)