Why We Snap, Good and Bad Advice, Important Emotions
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 59
- Mar 9, 2016 7:00 am
- 2:21:38 mins
Why We Snap (17:48) Dr. Douglas Fields, is a neurobiologist, whose recent book, “Why We Snap: Understand The Rage Circuit In Your Brain” explains the cause for these sudden outburst of rage. According to Dr. Fields, the violent behavior is the result of the clash between our evolutionary hardwiring and triggers in our contemporary world. Dr. Fields says that, “The sad truth is that the right trigger in the right circumstance can unleash a fit of rage in almost anyone.” and that same pathway in the brain “can also enable us to act heroically and altruistically before our conscious brain knows what we are doing.” So what is the difference between becoming a hero and become an attacker? Dr. Fields explains. Why Good Advice Is Often Bad (1:00:27) Professor Jason Dana is an Assistant Professor of Management and Marketing at Yale University. The quest for distinguishing between “good” and “bad” advice can at times seem overwhelming. Dr. Dana is here to help us understand why what we might think is “good advice” is often bad. Coach's Corner: What Not to Eat (1:25:36) Everyone gives and takes advice. Some of it good and some of it bad. Dr. Matt Townsend shares an article about food that you should not eat from a person with 20 years experience with preparing food. More advice but this advice that could help you avoid food poisoning. Important Emotions (1:50:40) Aleka Thorvalson is a contributor to Huffington Post and a professionally certified and credentialed Life Strategies Coach. Along with hosting a popular podcast, The Holistic Health Hour, she is also Health & Wellness Coach Group Leader at the International Coaching Academy and a blog contributor at Best Kept Self. Aleka Thorvalson discusses the importance of emotions.