Dads, Inmates, War and Big Dogs

Dads, Inmates, War and Big Dogs

The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 455

  • Jul 6, 2016 6:00 am
  • 58:07 mins
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On this episode, enjoy stories about building bridges and breaking down barriers. Storytelling is a powerful tool in conflict resolution and can be used to make connections in unexpected ways.  (2:20) Dad's Story Susan uses story to cross the lines that divide people and break down the barriers of communication. Susan recognizes that even the most culturally-sensitive peoeple might be doing things unintentionally that cause disrespect, in situations where one might be attempting to do the opposite. Growing up in during the Civil Rights movement, Susan would hear the racist worldviews of her community in conjunction with her father's attempt to quell those voices of hate informed by his time teaching at an all-black high school. To learn more about Susan O' Halloran visit (28:43) The Night That Everything Changed With her trademark wit, warmth and humor, Geradline shares an account of the night where her life would make a delightfully unexpected change. After being invited to share a workshop at a men's prison, Geraldine finds herself becoming the prison's chaplain where she used her knowledge and skills as a storyteller to cultivate connection, empathy, and hope. To learn more about Geraldine Buckley (37:54) The Twice Saved Life Mixing together the magic and histories of the Hawaiian Islands to Japan and Korea, Alton Chung shares tradition folktales and legends, and personal histories with utmost passion and respect. In this story, Alton shares stories of World War II from the perspective of someone with a unique lens. (48:54) Bobo & the Baseballs Sometimes, world peace starts in one's own neighborhood. In this story, Dan and his friends learn about being a good neighbor and a good member of the community through a series of events including the neighborhood baseball team, a mysterious neighbor, and a gigantic dog.  Looking for more stories about diversity, multi-culturalism, and conflict resolution? Visit racebridgesstudio

Episode Segments