Passions and Interests
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 8 , Segment 4
NASA, Fossils, Digital Era, Passions and Interests, Concussions
Episode: NASA, Fossils, Digital Era, Passions and Interests, Concussions
- Feb 18, 2015 10:00 pm
- 24:39 mins
Guest: Grant Madsen, BYU History Professor This week’s “American Heritage” segment analyzes passions and interests and if greed is ever a good thing. “There were always rich people that lived like kings but that is because they were literally the king,” said Madsen. There must be a balance between greed and hard work. “The key is where to do you learn discipline?” said Madsen. “Where do you learn the qualities of key character that can keep you under control?”