S5 E4: Tricksters & Turkeys - Stories by Donald Davis and Sheila Arnold

S5 E4: Tricksters & Turkeys - Stories by Donald Davis and Sheila Arnold

The Apple Seed - Season 5, Episode 4

  • Nov 23, 2023 7:00 am
  • 28:30
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Sheila Arnold and Donald Davis from live recordings in the Apple Seed Studio. (1:04) "Brer Rabbit and the Turkeys" - Sheila Arnold tells one of the many entertaining stories about this popular trickster, and about the strength found in thinking outside the box. (13:20) "Stuffed Rat" - Donald Davis tells a personal story about his father's pranks and a childhood memory of when Davis' father met his prankster match. Great stories can change your world. What stories and memories were sparked for you and who will you share them with? Hosted by storyteller Sam Payne. A production of BYUradio.