Help Kids Enjoy Reading (14:02)
Worlds Awaiting - Season 3, Episode 8 , Segment
Chip Camp, Help Kids Enjoy Reading
Episode: Chip Camp, Help Kids Enjoy Reading
- Feb 24, 2018 6:00 pm
- 11:43
Next, Rachel talks to literacy/reading expert, Melanie Kuhn. When does reading begin? How early in life? And what works best for adults really wanting to make a big difference? Melanie R. Kuhn is The Jean Adamson Stanley Professor in Literacy at Purdue University. She received her Ph.D. in Reading Education from the University of Georgia and has written two books on fluency, along with numerous scholarly articles and chapters. Her most recent book is Developing Fluent Readers: Teaching Fluency as a Foundational Skill co-authored with Lorell Levy. Her research also includes literacy instruction for struggling readers.