International Sports and Corruption
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 74 , Segment 1
FIFA, Stress, unPrison Project, and Female Role Models
Episode: FIFA, Stress, unPrison Project, and Female Role Models
- Jun 1, 2015 9:00 pm
- 20:46 mins
Guest: Anita Ramasastry, J.D., Professor at University of Washington School of Law, Writer for Sports and Corruption are Top of Mind today. The sweeping U.S. indictments of 14 people tied to FIFA - international soccer’s governing body - continue to reverberate in the headlines. The charges include bribery, racketeering and money laundering. A separate Swiss investigation is examining the possibility of improprieties in FIFA’s awarding of the next two World Cups to Russia and Qatar. Even so, FIFA’s long-time president Sepp Blatter managed to hang onto his post in an election held Friday. Blatter has not been directly implicated in the corruption charges, but the US and Swiss investigations are expected to widen.