FIFA, Stress, unPrison Project, and Female Role Models
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 74
- Jun 1, 2015 6:00 am
- 1:42:52 mins
International Sports and Corruption (1:06) Guest: Anita Ramasastry, J.D., Professor at University of Washington School of Law, Writer for Sports and Corruption are Top of Mind today. The sweeping U.S. indictments of 14 people tied to FIFA - international soccer’s governing body - continue to reverberate in the headlines. The charges include bribery, racketeering and money laundering. A separate Swiss investigation is examining the possibility of improprieties in FIFA’s awarding of the next two World Cups to Russia and Qatar. Even so, FIFA’s long-time president Sepp Blatter managed to hang onto his post in an election held Friday. Blatter has not been directly implicated in the corruption charges, but the US and Swiss investigations are expected to widen. Embracing Stress (21:52) Guest: Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D., Health Psychologist and Lecturer at Stanford University, Author of “The Upside of Stress” Stress relief is big business: We buy supplements, soaps and scrubs to dissipate it. We take yoga and meditation classes to get it under control. We moan about it to our friends and hear about its dangers from our doctors. Stress is an indisputable enemy to our health and well-being. Which is exactly what Stanford psychologist Kelly McGonigal thought and what she taught her students…until she stumbled upon some research that made her realize she had it all wrong. You probably do too, which is why McGonigal wrote her new book, “The Upside of Stress: Why Stress is Good for You and How to Get Good at It.” unPrison Project (39:52) Guest: Deborah Jiang-Stein, Author of “Prison Baby,” Founder of the unPrison Project Three percent of kids in America have a parent in prison and the majority of women behind bars are also mothers. Deborah Jiang-Stein’s personal experience with these statistics has led her to develop a nonprofit she calls the “unPrison Project.” She’s partnered with the Children’s Book Council to start children’s book libraries in prisons so incarcerated mothers can read to their kids