S2 E33: Cherished Friendships - Stories by Andy Offutt Irwin and Sam + Wind in the Willows

S2 E33: Cherished Friendships - Stories by Andy Offutt Irwin and Sam + Wind in the Willows

The Apple Seed - Season 2, Episode 33

  • Sep 29, 2022 6:00 am
  • 52:50
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On today's episode of the Apple Seed, we are pleased to bring you some great stories about friendship. We all have memories that involve some of our dearest friends, and it's hard to imagine what life would be like without them. Today, we have a story from Andy Offutt Irwin, who tells a story of his fictional Aunt Marguerite as she sets off to visit a friend who is near the end of her life. Later in the episode, we are thrilled to share an Apple Seed reader's theater recorded in our studio. "The Wind in the Willows" is a classic children's tale about friendship and helping others when times are tough. Listen along as our talented voice actors and live studio audience bring this story to life. (5:50) "Book Every Saturday For A Funeral" by Andy Offutt Irwin: Andy Offutt Irwin joins us in the Apple Seed studio with our live studio audience to tell a story about his fictional Aunt Marguerite. When she learns of a dear friend being put into hospice care, she sets off to visit her before it's too late. As Andy says in this story, sometimes tragic events like funerals can help us remember the people that we love, and how much they mean to us. Through this touching story, Andy shares with us the importance of memories with those that we love. We hope this story helps you to remember your loved ones, and to share those stories with the people around you. (31:22) Radio Family Journal by Sam Payne: Sam shares a memory about getting a pair of skates for Christmas. Those skates were his whole world, but they sometimes led to bad decisions. But thanks to the help of his dad, Sam was able to learn a lesson that he carries with him to this day. (36:52) "Wind in the Willows" Reader's Theater: Recorded live in the Apple Seed studio, we bring to you a reader's theater rendition of the classic story of "The Wind in the Willows". You may be familiar with other versions of this story, particularly from Disney, but we are happy to bring it to you in a way that has never been told before. In this story, we learn of the importance of f