![Spirituality and Literacy, Social and Emotional Skills](https://assets.byub.org/images/baba620d-b878-42ca-a78e-5cc881ca948d/720x405.jpg)
Spirituality and Literacy, Social and Emotional Skills
Worlds Awaiting - Season 2, Episode 13
- Apr 8, 2017 6:00 am
- 28:56 mins
Spirituality and Literacy (3:31) Isn’t there more to life than just getting a job, paying the next bill, or filing your taxes? If you as an adult want more out of life than that, young students probably do, too. So why should their learning boil down to passing the next test, learning to fill out a job application or career and vocational training? Our first guest, Brad Wilcox, a professor in the Department of Teacher Education at BYU and a literacy expert, believes in the great benefit for our children of going beyond the basics. We can and should help them develop their emotional and spiritual sides. Wilcox has lived in Utah, Ethiopia, and Chile, serving as an advocate for children and learning wherever he has gone. Teaching Social and Emotional Skills (14:59) Next on Worlds Awaiting, Rachel talks to Associate professor, Melissa Heath and Graduate Student, Katie Smith, both in BYU’s Department of Psychology, who offer tips on teaching social and emotional skills to children in the home and in the classroom. Parents and teachers can be partners in this endeavor. Author's Tips (26:38) We finish up the show today with three authors, Andrea Davis Pinkney, Ann Cannon, and Marilyn Singer who offer some guidance for youth and adults who want to enter the world of writing We hope some of what they say will spark some new ideas for your own use, as a teacher, writer, artist, parent or mentor.