The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 603
- Jun 13, 2017 6:00 am
- 58:12 mins
There’s nothing like that feeling of coming home and being reunited with the things you love. On this episode of The Apple Seed, we’re bringing you stories of homecomings, stories in which families are reunited, memories are rekindled, where problems are solved, and hurts are ameliorated, just by returning home, wherever that may be. Stories and songs in this episode include: Forest Enchants King, Brother Frees King, Return by Jeff Gere (2:08) This story is a piece of Jeff Gere's "Two Brothers: A rockin' musical storytellin'", where twin brothers come back to a kingdom after facing a witch who turns everyone into stone. Accompanied on the piano by Les Adam and the "eclectric" guitar by Vince Esquire. Learn more about Jeff Gere, the Hawaii based artist, by visiting jeffgere.com Accentuate the Positive by Bob Reiser (12:28) Bob's uncle comes home at the end of World War II. Bob Reiser has been the Teller-in-Residence at the International Storytelling Center and you can find out more about him by visiting www.bobtales.com Texas (Home Again) by Allison Downey ft. John Austin (22:55) A song about the landscape of Allison Downey's home, the Lone Star state. Allison Downey is a storyteller, writer, educator, and singer-songwriter and you can discover more of her work at allisondowney.com Something in There by Dolores Hydock (27:00) Home is more than a house, it's where the heart is and this story captures the love that one finds upon returning home for the holidays. Dolores Hydock has had many jobs, including a Cajun dance teacher and a blues DJ, and you can learn more about them and her storytelling work by visiting www.storypower.org Prodigal Father by John McCutcheon (43:14) A song that takes a different spin on the classic Prodigal Son tale. John McCutcheon is a folk singer and songwriter who has been nominated for 6 Grammy awards. Find more of his work at www.folkmusic.com Prodigal Son by Kirk Waller (47:12) That story from the book of Luke in the Bible in which a son, having spent his inherited fortune