Nursing Shortage, Body Language, Emotional Abuse
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 58
- Mar 8, 2016 7:00 am
- 2:24:46 mins
Nursing Shortage (14:52) Nurses play a vital role in the health care of our country. It is the nurses who make hourly visits to hospital rooms, caring for and monitoring the patients in need. The work accomplished my nurses is often overlooked. And in recent years, that workload has continued to increase. With a majority of the nursing workforce joining prior to the 1970’s, we may face the largest nursing shortage our nation has ever seen. Combined with an aging population, the rise of chronic disease and limited capacity in nursing schools, patients and health-care providers are weary of the coming crisis. Joining us today, is Dr. Katreena Merrill, assistant professor of nursing at BYU. Dr. Merrill discusses the shortage and what we can expect to see in the nursing workforce. Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are (1:02:03) Dr. Amy Cuddy is an Associate Professor at Harvard Business School, uses experimental methods to investigate how people judge and influence each other and themselves. She gave the second most popular TED Talk, entitled “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are.” Dr. Cuddy explains how our body language is an expression of what you are feeling and influences how others perceive you as a person. Emotional Abuse (1:47:54) Julie Nelson (the "Child Whisperer") has a master's degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development. She teaches classes such as Applied Parenting and Marriage and Relationship Skills at Utah Valley University. Dr. Matt and Julie talk about "Gaslighting" or emotional abuse. "Gaslighting" or emotional abuse and the effect on families and children. Julie also share her money tips to help the abused partner.