The Short Story Dispenser

The Short Story Dispenser

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 802 , Segment 5

North Korea's Promises, Chasing Men on Fire, Avengers: Infinity War

Episode: North Korea's Promises, Chasing Men on Fire, Avengers: Infinity War

  • May 1, 2018 11:00 pm
  • 11:46 mins

Guest: Kristan Leroy, International Sales Director, Short Edition In any doctor’s office, pharmacy, airport… anywhere people have to wait, it’s the same scene: people hunched over their phones. But visitors waiting in the lobby of the Prudential Building in Boston, or the Edmonton International Airport in Canada or one of dozens of train stations in France have another option: there’s a vending machine that doles out short stories for free on strips of paper like a really long receipt at the grocery store. There are more than 150 of these story-dispensing kiosks around the world so far. They’re the product of a French publishing house called Short Edition.  To find a Short Story Dispenser click here. To contribute your own story to the Short Story Dispenser, email