Mindful Halloween Treats
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 561 , Segment 1
Mindful Halloween Treats, Holiday Prep, Oscar Diversity, Intuitive Eating, Facing Breast Cancer
Episode: Mindful Halloween Treats, Holiday Prep, Oscar Diversity, Intuitive Eating, Facing Breast Cancer
- Oct 5, 2020 12:00 pm
- 17:28 mins
Halloween--the spookiest time of the year, full of costume competitions, scary movies, and pumpkin carve-offs. However, for those of trick-or-treating age, Halloween is most importantly the sweetest time of the year. But after the initial candy binge on Halloween night, what’s to be done with the pillowcases full of candy? Fortunately for us, nutritionist, author, and mindful eating advocate Elaine Magee has the answers! She’s here to discuss with us the trick to mindful Halloween treating.