Mindful Halloween Treats, Holiday Prep, Oscar Diversity, Intuitive Eating, Facing Breast Cancer
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 561
- Oct 5, 2020 6:00 am
- 1:45:33 mins
Mindful Halloween Treating (0:00:00) Halloween--the spookiest time of the year, full of costume competitions, scary movies, and pumpkin carve-offs. However, for those of trick-or-treating age, Halloween is most importantly the sweetest time of the year. But after the initial candy binge on Halloween night, what’s to be done with the pillowcases full of candy? Fortunately for us, nutritionist, author, and mindful eating advocate Elaine Magee has the answers! She’s here to discuss with us the trick to mindful Halloween treating. Preparing for the Holidays (0:35:40) Friend of the show Carrie Ann Rhodes explains what we need to be doing right now to prepare for the holidays this year. Oscar Diversity Requirements (0:52:45) The Academy Awards recently announced a few new requirements for movies that want to be considered for Oscars. The new requirements should, in theory, provide more opportunities for women, racial minorities and LGBT people to be represented in the award show. In years past, when things like #OscarsSoWhite have trended, a change like this seems welcome. But will it really make a difference? Here to share his thoughts with us is film and TV award expert Clarence Moye. Intuitive Eating (1:12:15) Have you heard of intuitive eating? It’s a curious health trend. It means eating what you want when your body wants it. Does this mean we can eat a bag of Cheetos when we want to? We needed to get to the bottom of this so we’ve called in Laura Silver, friend of The Lisa Show. She’s a dietician-nutritionist. And she joins us today to discuss whether this is just another diet trend to ignore or something that could really be beneficial for our health. Facing Breast Cancer (1:30:08) October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and did you know that roughly1 in 8 women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of their lifetime? Because the topic of breast cancer is so prevalent, and because awareness is so important, we wanted to have a conversation about it this morning. To give us perspective in