Hotel Employee Perceptions

Hotel Employee Perceptions

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 245 , Segment 3

North Korea, Mustaches and Med School, Orson Scott Card

Episode: North Korea, Mustaches and Med School, Orson Scott Card

  • Mar 3, 2016 11:00 pm
  • 17:06

Guest: Larry Martinez, PhD, Assistant Professor of Hospitality Management at Penn State University  US employment law protects people from being discriminated against based on numerous characteristics, including race, gender, age and disability. But a person’s weight is not on that list and studies have shown employers do tend to discriminate against overweight people when it comes to hiring and promotions, especially women.  So a new study by researchers at Penn State University came to a surprising conclusion about women who work the front desk in hotels. They found overweight women tend to get higher customer approval ratings as being both warmer and more competent than thinner women or men.