Kevin Cordi and the Top Secret Storybox
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 669
- Nov 14, 2017 7:00 am
- 56:53 mins
In this episode, we talk to Dr. Kevin Cordi about his "storybox" project. What began as an exchange of stories between Kevin and a colleague in Brazil has evolved to include authors and poets creating partial stories to be finished by middle and high school students. In addition, you’ll hear a few stories from a good old collection called "Stories in my Pocket," from Martha Hamilton and Mitch Weiss, in which they curate stories for kids to tell. Kevin Cordi Interview (1:20) Heart In Our Hands by Kevin Cordi (33:54) Including an intro by Kevin Cordi, this story is about a time when people used to carry their hearts in their hands. These next stories were recorded in 1998, so the tellers are grownup now, but these performances are from a good old collection called “Stories in My Pocket,” stories curated by Martha Hamilton and Mitch Weiss, designed for kids to tell. The Stonecutter by Chris Frank (43:52) The Silversmith and the Rich Man by Gwen Niven (47:38) Why Anansi the Spider Has a Small Waist by Sandra Weissinger (52:10)