Success Stories
  • May 16, 2017 6:00 am
  • 58:32
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Success is not a form you need to fit into or qualifications you need to meet, it relies on your attitude. As Winston Churchill put it, "Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." Though that attitude can be fostered through achievement, sometimes it comes from an unexpected source, just after a let down. Stories and songs included in this episode: Tales of a Shammes by Joel Ben Izzy (1:47) Joel draws upon his Jewish heritage to tell the story of a man who does not get blinded by the wealth he acquires. Joel Ben Izzy is also a writer and storytelling consultant. Learn more about Joel Ben Izzy by visiting The King's Riddles by Joel Ben Izzy (9:05) An Irish tale where a storyteller succeeds in responding to the King's tricky questions. The Englewood Game by Syd Lieberman (17:06) Syd Lieberman's personal experience winning big on a highschool football team. Quoted by the Vancouver Music Festival they say, "Syd's stories are full of a kind of humane, validating, ad caring humor...He is simply one of the best." Learn more about the late Syd Lieberman by visiting Love of the Game by Bill Harley (41:04) Success isn't always centered on winning and for Bill Harley's childhood baseball team, it's centered on passion. Bill Harley is a singer-songwriter, storyteller and NPR commentator. Learn more about Bill Harley by visiting Roll-a-Rama by Adam Booth (45:33) The limbo competition doesn't work out for Adam Booth, but he's successful in another arena. Adam Booth has been the Teller-In-Residence at the International Storytelling Center as well as several other centers. Learn more about Adam Booth by visiting