Stories in St. Louis
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 605
- Jun 15, 2017 6:00 am
- 56:16 mins
We had a chance to visit one of the grand old American storytelling festivals in and around St. Louis, Missouri. We wanted to satiate your storytelling appetite a bit with an hour of festival stories featuring the work of the some of the tellers at the 38th annual St. Louis Storytelling Festival. Stories in this episode include: Jack and the Cat Girl by Tim Lowry (1:19) A Jack tale wherein Jack saves a Cat Girl from a wicked witch. Named the 2014 "Artist of the Year" by Azalea Magazine, you can learn more about Tim Lowry by checking out Never Kick a Slipper at the Moon by Angela Lloyd (15:51) The story is written by Carl Sandburg and is about what not to do in Ruttabaga country. David Holt accompanied this telling on the spoons. Angela Lloyd recieved a Parents Choice Honors Award for her CD "Sandburg Out Loud". Discover more about Angela Lloyd and her work by looking at Samurai Over My Head by Donna Washington (21:28) A personal story from Donna Washington's time as a military brat living in South Korea and how her father summoned ancient samurai to keep them safe during a black out. An award winning author as well as an award winning storyteller, you can learn more about Donna Washington by visiting Suki by Leeny Del Seamonds (32:15) A Japanese folktale where an old couple saves a crane which later repays them for their kindness. Gideon Freudmann played the cello for this piece. Leeny Del Seamonds is the 2015 winner of the National Storytelling Network Oracle Circle of Excellence Award and you can discover more about her and her numerous awards at Three Strong Women by Bobby Norfolk (45:38) A professional wrestler finds out what he's really made of when he meets a family of exceptionally strong women. Originating from Northern St. Louis, Bobby Norfolk is a three-time Emmy Award winner and you can find out more about him and his work by checking out