Overconfidence and Career Choice
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 70 , Segment 3
Grow the Economy, Career Choice, Talking to Children
Episode: Grow the Economy, Career Choice, Talking to Children
- Mar 22, 2016 4:00 pm
- 48:06 mins
Dr. Jonathan Schulz is a research fellow in experimental economics at Yale studying cross-cultural differences in human behavior. As a child you may have known exactly what you wanted to be when you grew up. Options ranged from firefighter to doctor to artist. Then you hit college and real life settles in. You eventually choose a career, but how confident were you in your career choice? With statistics indicating that only 27% of college graduates get a job related to their major, it’s easy to be uncertain. Our guest today is Dr. Schulz recently conducted a study looking at over-confidence in career choice.