Tech News, Anxiety Freedom, Turbulent Times

Tech News, Anxiety Freedom, Turbulent Times

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 4, Episode 38

  • Mar 5, 2015 7:00 am
  • 2:14:38 mins
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Technology News (10:05)  Jay McFarland joins Dr. Matt to discuss the latest developments in technology and technology related news.  Jay is a radio host whose career has taken him to Nevada and Dallas and now has him on the air with a daily show called The Browsers on KSL NewsRadio in Salt Lake City.  In addition to his daily radio show Jay has also authored two books, "Freedom Ain't Free" and "Joyful Union," and he has created several popular apps and games for the iPhone and iPad devices. Overcoming Worry and Anxiety (55:54)  Dr. Tamar Chansky discusses her book “Freeing Yourself from Anxiety: 4 Simple Steps to Overcome Worry and Create the Life You Want” offers great advice on dealing with office shark attacks. We all deal with different levels of anxiety and Dr. Chansky gives us some steps on how to cope in a more healthy way.  Thriving in Turbulent Times (1:41:36)  John Bush talks about dealing with Anxiety. He is a Performance Consultant, Leadership Coach, and Author. John released a new book last year titled: Thriving in Turbulent Times: A Practical Guide for Alleviating Stress and Elevating Perspective, Purpose and Passion. He was on the show last spring talking about his new book and how to reduce stress and anxiety in our lives. John's company is called Breakthroughs Coaching.

Episode Segments