Distracted Driving, College ADHD, Relationship Communication
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 4, Episode 254
- Nov 12, 2015 7:00 am
- 2:16:58 mins
Distracted Driving (12:55) Dr. David Strayer is a Professor of Cognition and Neural Science at the University of Utah. His current research specialized in attention and performance specifically in relation to driving distractions and reactions times. The latest trend in car technology has been the rollout of voice-activated systems. These systems allow drivers to make phone calls, get directions, send texts, play music, and much more. Research as shown that the new systems are actually dangerous and causing more distracted drivers. Dr. Strayer talks with Dr. Townsend about the problems with car voice-activated systems ADHD and College (57:30) Dr. Aaron Allred is a Licensed Psychologist, Coordinator for Learning, Emotional and Attention Disorders at the Brigham Young University Accessibility Center. College is already a test of determination and focus, but imagine going through it when focus in daily life is already a challenge. Approximately 2-8% of the college population has ADHD according to the 2009 Journal of Attention Disorders. Many students are first diagnosed with ADHD when they come to college. Dr. Aaron Allred shares “Tips for Managing ADHD in College”. Relationship Communication (1:43:33) Dr. Richard Nicastro is a psychologist, couples counselor and writer. He specializes in marital and relationship issues and is passionate about helping couples create deep emotional connections. He suggests that maybe intimate relationships require more than ‘good communication’ and maybe good communication is more than just asking surface-level questions. He says, “Sometimes questions take us into familiar territory and our responses are quickly accessed and known to us. But questions about our emotional life direct us inward. These questions require work. We are being asked to go beyond the superficial.” He is here today to help us know how we can have deeper connections in our relationships.