India and China, Voice of America, Food Crisis

India and China, Voice of America, Food Crisis

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1364

  • Jun 23, 2020 6:00 am
  • 104:32
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Boundary Dispute Between India and China Escalates to Violence (0:33) Guest: Eric Hyer, Associate Professor, Political Science, Brigham Young University, Author of “The Pragmatic Dragon: China’s Grand Strategy and Boundary Settlements”  China and India – the world’s two most populous countries, both of them with nuclear weapons – are in a tense standoff along the border they share. A week ago, fighting broke out between Chinese and Indian soldiers. This was reportedly hand-to-hand combat with rocks, metal rods and wooden clubs. Twenty Indian soldiers died. China has not said how many casualties it suffered. This is the first time their border dispute has turned deadly in forty years. The Pandemic Compromises Workers’ Safety, but Democratizing Work Could Protect Them (16:12) Guest: Hélène Landemore, Associate Professor of Political Science, Yale University, Author of “Open Democracy” Throughout the pandemic, “essential workers,” including nurses, grocery clerks and delivery drivers, have had little choice but to keep working, regardless the risk. Some have received bonuses. Some have lost their jobs because they weren’t willing to endanger their own – or their family’s – health. What if those workers were actually in the room making decisions about working conditions, hazard pay and how a company should operate in a crisis? Might things have played out differently? The idea is known as “democratized work” and though it’s pretty radical from an American capitalist point of view, it’s worked in some other countries. Why Does the US Government Have Its Own Global News Agency? (31:30) Guest: Nina Jankowicz, Wilson Center Disinformation Fellow, Author of “How to Lose the Disinformation War” Did you know that the United States government runs a news network that broadcasts on TV, radio and online? You probably won’t find it on your local cable listing, because it’s not really for American audiences. Voice of America is mainly for people in other countries and most of its content isn’t even in English. The Trump