Mueller Media, Wild Bill, Notre Dame

Mueller Media, Wild Bill, Notre Dame

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1052

  • Apr 18, 2019 6:00 am
  • 100:45
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The Media’s Mueller Obsession Guest: Matthew Jordan, Professor of Media Studies, Penn State University The Mueller Report is out. Have you heard? Yeah, of course you have. It’s all over the news. Has been for nearly two years. And there are enough juicy tidbits in the 448-page redacted version to keep the story in the news for quite a bit longer. By way of summary, Special Counsel Robert Mueller found Russia wanted to help President Trump get elected and the Trump Campaign was willing to accept that help. The investigation did “not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.” So, no collusion. On the question of whether President Trump tried to obstruct the investigation, Mueller and his team say they couldn’t say one way or the other and left it to the Attorney General to decide. Wild Bill: The True Story of the American Frontier’s First Gunfighter Guest: Tom Clavin, Best-Selling Author, Author of “Wild Bill: The True Story of the American Frontier’s First Gunfighter” Even if you only know a few names of Wild West legends, you know Bill Hickok –better known as Wild Bill. Not to be confused with Buffalo Bill Cody, though they were good friends. Wild Bill Hickock was an American legend by the age of thirty, but was he really as Wild as the stories tell? Best-selling author Tom Clavin’s new book sorts truth from tall tale. It’s called, “Wild Bill: The True Story of the American Frontier’s First Gunfighter.” The Death and Resurrection of Notre Dame de Paris Guest: Daryl Lee, PhD, Professor of French Languages and Culture, Brigham Young University Why does the world care so much about Notre Dame in Paris? Why, since the cathedral’s roof and spire collapsed in a fire on Monday, have people the world over expressed such grief? Notre Dame is clearly more than an historic building or a place of religious worship.  Some Americans Can’t Worship Without Fear (Originally aired December 3, 2018) Guest: Christopher Scheitle