Dragons and Snakes, Media Violence, Jogbra

Dragons and Snakes, Media Violence, Jogbra

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1293

  • Mar 19, 2020 6:00 am
  • 100:06
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Global Pandemic Response Illustrates Consequences of America’s Tunnel-Vision War on Terror (0:32) Guest: David Kilcullen, Former Advisor to the US in Iraq and Afghanistan, Professor of Practice in Global Security, Arizona State University, Author of “The Dragons and the Snakes: How the Rest Learned to Fight the West” One of the clearest lessons of this pandemic, so far, is that we are all in this together. We’re so connected as a global community that a virus in one country will travel to another. The economic pains of the pandemic will not be isolated to just one part of the planet. So why haven’t the world’s nations done a better job coordinating our response to the coronavirus? In previous decades, the United States would have taken the lead in a global crisis like this – like the US did during the financial crisis that swept around the world in 2008. What’s different now? Woman vs Woman - Dress Psychology (28:07) Guest:  Jaimie Krems, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Oklahoma State University, Co-Founder of the Oklahoma Center of Evolutionary Analysis I’m guessing these mass quarantine measures have a lot of people wearing pajamas or workout clothes all day – what’s the point of dressing up when you’re not leaving the house? Deciding what to wear can be exhausting – at least for women, it is. There’s the basic question of what’s appropriate attire for the occasion. But there’s also the fact that what a woman wears affects how both men and women treat her. PG-13 Movie Violence Reinforces Troubling Messages for Kids (39:57) Guest: Dan Romer, Research Director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center  Is a lot of movie watching happening in your quarantined house? Over the last several decades, the amount of gun violence has doubled in PG-13 films. These are movies aimed at kids. And the gun violence they’re seeing outpaces what’s shown in R-rated movies. How’s that affecting the way kids think about guns and violence? Researchers at the Annenberg Public Policy Center have been studying this for a long ti