Musical Personality, Science of Magic, Country Music, Space Mining

Musical Personality, Science of Magic, Country Music, Space Mining

Constant Wonder - Season 2022, Episode 180

  • May 31, 2019 6:00 am
  • 101:11
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What does your playlist say about you? Guest: David M Greenberg, musician, and psychologist, University of Cambridge and the City University of New York What do your music preferences say about your personality? And what do we do with this information? Psychologist and musician David Greenberg has been studying the relationship between music and personality for years and has found some striking correlations. Why We Love to Be Fooled by Magic Guest: Gustav Kuhn, head of the MAGIC lab at Goldsmiths University in London, and author, “Experiencing the Impossible: The Science of Magic” The bad news is that Hogwarts does not exist. The good news is that the MAGIC lab at Goldsmiths University in London does. A surprising new area of study has been gaining popularity amongst psychologists seeking to unlock the secrets of the mind—the science of magic.  The Spot Where Country Music’s First Hit Was Recorded Faces Demolition Guest: Steve Goodson, Associate Professor of History, University of West Georgia, and author, "Highbrows, Hillbillies, and Hellfire: Public Entertainment in Atlanta, 1880-1930" The spot where country music’s first real hit was recorded in 1923 is marked for demolition to make way for a high-rise timeshare and an outlet of the Jimmy Buffett-inspired Margaritaville restaurant. Humans Could Use All Resources in the Solar System in 400 Years Guest: Martin Elvis, Senior Astrophysicist at the Center for Astrophysics at Harvard University As Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk set their sights on space colonization, astrophysicist Martin Elvis is raising question of mining in space. What’s out there? How much is there? What will we use it for? And most importantly, what happens when we run out? Scientists Have Fun Naming Things in Space  Guest: Gareth Williams, astronomer, Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and Secretary, IAU’s Working Group for Small Body Nomenclature Did you know that there’s a committee that gets together just to name things we discover in space? Asteroids like one named after