Insomnia & Suicide, Bersted Man, Everest Rules

Insomnia & Suicide, Bersted Man, Everest Rules

Constant Wonder - Season 2022, Episode 240

  • Aug 27, 2019 6:00 am
  • 1:39:21 mins
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Insomnia and Suicide Guest: Zach Simmons, sleep and suicide researcher, graduate student in Clinical Psychology, BYU Around 800,000 people die by suicide every year, and it is the second leading cause of death among 15-29 year olds. This is a serious public health problem, but research has shown ways to prevent suicide, including interventions and access to mental health resources. However, a recent study from BYU has found a predictive relationship between patients who report insomnia and later attempt suicide, which gives us one more insight into preventing tragedy. Mysterious Ancient Gallic Warrior Unearthed in Southern UK Guest: Andrew Fitzpatrick, University of Leicester Archaeological Consultant What was likely an ancient Gallic warrior from 50 BCE tells a unique story of the conquest of Julius Caesar in Europe. Adventures on the World's Highest Peaks Guest: Alan Arnette, mountain climber, writer, and Alzheimer’s advocate Climbing Mount Everest is one of the most challenging endeavors in the world, but new rules have exponentially raised costs and limited access to this peak of climbing accomplishments. We speak with a world-renowned climber about how the new rules change the game on Everest. Gut Reactions  Guest: Ken Cadwell, Associate Professor, Microbiology, Langone Health, New York University New research connects gut bacteria to obesity and insulin levels. Is there nothing that our gut biome doesn't affect?