![Families, Religion, and Spirituality](https://assets.byub.org/images/1293e47c-da26-4622-b96b-9e50f15329c2/720x405.jpg)
Families, Religion, and Spirituality
Eyres on the Road - Season 10, Episode 10
- Mar 7, 2020 7:00 am
- 29:12 mins
On today's show, the Eyres tell the story of their long friendship with Rhodes Boyson, the British Member of Parliament who was Margaret Thatcher's Minister of Education and who had some very deep questions about Richard and Linda's faith and about their beliefs about the eternal nature of families. The Eyres wrote several long letters to Boyson, and later put those letters into a book called "The Wrappings and the Gifts" which was an attempt to explain why faith and a belief in a life before and a life after can have such a profoundly positive impact on the kind of marriage partners and parents we become. The book is free at EyresFreeBooks.com. To conclude today's show, the Eyres mention an Abraham Lincoln quote that says "there are times when I am driven to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I have no place else to go." This is often the way parents feel, and an appeal to a higher source can yield inspiration and guidance concerning what our children need.