Mass Shootings, Managing Temper, Sorry Isn't Enough
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 4, Episode 224
- Oct 8, 2015 6:00 am
- 136:43
Mass Shootings (9:30) Dr. Adam Lankford is a professor of criminal justice at The University of Alabama. He conducts research on many types of social deviance and criminal behavior, including mass murder, mass shootings, and terrorism. Sadly, our nation has become no stranger to the tragedy of mass shootings. With the most recent occurrence in Oregon, thoughts are once again turned to gun control and the motives behind these shootings. Dr. Lankford is here to talk about why mass shootings keep happening in the United States. Managing Temper (57:51) Gia Ganesh is a Career Strategist and Empowerment Coach, working with high-achievers to help them identify and lead fulfilling personal and professional lives. Gia helps them craft a ‘designer-level’ inner life filled with satisfaction, well-being, fulfillment and peace that fuels the path for external abundance and prosperity. Gia is passionate about helping people eliminate career burnout and make empowered career choices that keep them fulfilled. People who are stagnating and unfulfilled often find meaning, passion and purpose and a renewed zest for life after working with Gia. She joins us now, live, to give us tips on handling our tempers. When "Sorry" Is Not Enough (1:42:20) Dr. Jennifer Thomas is a bestselling author, speaker, and psychologist with a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Maryland and BA in psychology and religion from the University of Virginia. Jennifer Thomas, coauthor with Gary Chapman of the book “When Sorry Isn’t Enough,” says, “Apology is not a word that means the same to everyone…because we have different languages of apology.” Dr. Jennifer Thomas is here today to teach us how to have more meaningful apologies and truly make restitution.