Mirror World, Music and the Brain, VocaliD, Artificial Unintelligence

Mirror World, Music and the Brain, VocaliD, Artificial Unintelligence

  • Mar 20, 2019 6:00 am
  • 105:02
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Kevin Kelly, Senior Maverick for Wired.com looks at the fast-approaching "Mirror World", an augmented virtual reality that can be superimposed on our regular, physical reality.  Dr. Charles Limb talks about the way all audio but especially music affects our brain.  Rupal Patel is on the forefront of creating individual, unique voices for those who have lost the ability to speak instead of the same computer voice people like Stephen Hawking had to use.  Professor Meredith Broussard breaks down what all new technology and Artificial Intelligence can do, but more importantly everything that it can't.