Inside the Changing Role of Fathers in America

Inside the Changing Role of Fathers in America

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 2024, Episode 21

  • Jul 8, 2024 6:00 am
  • 53:57
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What does it mean to be a father in 2024? In the US, the “primary breadwinner dad” is increasingly rare, while the "primary caregiver dad” is becoming more common. And dads are generally doing a lot more childcare and housework than their fathers and grandfathers did. But women still do twice as much housework as their husbands, so it’s not uncommon to see tempers flare online when fathers get praised for parenting while mothers don’t. How are American families navigating these changings? In this podcast episode, we talk with a working father who overcame some biased assumptions about household duties. We talk to a stay-at-home dad about the decision he and his wife made more than a decade ago to have him be the primary caregiver for their children. And then, a single father with full custody of his three young kids talks about what the experience and taught him about society’s assumptions about the needs of parents. Finally, a historian of American family life will explain how the division of duties we consider “traditional” is a relatively recent development. Podcast Guests: Clint Edwards, author of “No Idea What I’m Doing” dad blog and parenting books “Father-ish: Laugh-Out-Loud Tales From a Dad Trying Not to Ruin His Kids’ Lives” and “I’m Sorry... Love, Your Husband” ( Shannon Carpenter, father and comedy writer, author of “The Ultimate Stay-at-Home Dad” ( Daniel Ortega, single dad with full custody of his three kids and founder of The Mindful Wolf ( Stephanie Coontz, Director of Research and Public Education at the Council on Contemporary Families, Professor Emerita at Evergreen State College, former Woodrow Wilson Fellow, author of “The Way We Never Were - American Families and the Nostalgia Trap” ( Voices from the Council of Moms, hosted by The Lisa Show (