The 3D Printer That Makes and Cooks Food

The 3D Printer That Makes and Cooks Food

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1709 , Segment 3

Congress and Facebook, Printed Food, Earthrise

Episode: Congress and Facebook, Printed Food, Earthrise

  • Oct 14, 2021 8:00 pm
  • 14:44 mins

A robot that cooks dinner for you would be pretty cool. What if the robot didn’t have to go to the fridge and get out the different ingredients and chop and mix and bake? Imagine a 3D printer that fabricates and cooks meals as they print. While Columbia University engineering professor Hod Lipson’s lab has been 3D printing food for 15 years, they’ve just recently fine-tuned the cook-as-you-print process using lasers. (Segment produced by Cole Cummings)