COVID-19 and Connection

COVID-19 and Connection

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1681 , Segment 5

Colleges and COVID, IPCC Report, School of Hip Hop

Episode: Colleges and COVID, IPCC Report, School of Hip Hop

  • Sep 7, 2021 8:00 pm
  • 16:35 mins

We are living in a very uncertain time. For a minute there, it seemed like the pandemic was over, and that brought a whole set of adjustments we had to make to our lives. But now we’re dealing with COVID variants and the confusion of that. So what do we do now? Palo Alto University psychologist Kristine Klussman says the key is connection. She discusses her new book “Connection: How to Find the Life You’re Looking for in the Life You Have.” (Segment produced by Lynsey Call)