No-Excuses Charter Schools

No-Excuses Charter Schools

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1611 , Segment 3

Supreme Court, No-Excuse Charters, Oregon Trail

Episode: Supreme Court, No-Excuse Charters, Oregon Trail

  • Jun 1, 2021 8:00 pm
  • 19:51 mins

In a “no excuses” charter school, a student might be penalized for rolling her eyes or slouching in class. The idea is to teach kids from poor and minority backgrounds the “middle class” behaviors that will help them succeed in college and life. But Vanderbilt University education researcher Joanne Golann spent a year embedded in one of these schools and found the approach may do more harm than good. She’s written a book about her research called “Scripting the Moves: Culture and Control in a ‘No-Excuses’ Charter School.”