Selfies and Cosmetic Surgery

Selfies and Cosmetic Surgery

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 776 , Segment 2

Gun Violence, Selfies and Cosmetic Surgery, Talking to Kids about Pornography

Episode: Gun Violence, Selfies and Cosmetic Surgery, Talking to Kids about Pornography

  • Mar 27, 2018 3:43 am
  • 7:36 mins

Guest: Boris Paskhover, MD, Assistant Professorof Otolaryngology, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School Everyone who’s tried it knows there’s an art to taking a good selfie. But some people are willing to go much farther than trying new angles or lighting to improve their selfies. The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery says more than half of surgeons they surveyed last year had seen patients who came in looking for cosmetic procedures to look better in selfies. But, those people may not realize how deceptive a selfie is.