![Nonpartisan Journalism Future](https://assets.byub.org/images/83bad063-9578-4bcf-870d-10b05a1246f1/720x405.jpg)
Nonpartisan Journalism Future
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 305 , Segment 2
Hidden Potential, Nonpartisan Journalism Future, Beautiful Revenge
Episode: Hidden Potential, Nonpartisan Journalism Future, Beautiful Revenge
- Dec 23, 2017 5:00 pm
- 42:12 mins
Justin Buchler is a professor of Political Science at Case Western University. He studies elections, political parties, and Congress. He has written extensively on the nature of competitive elections and their place in a democracy. This past election cycle has caused many journalists to look at their profession to determine what the future of journalism is. Whenever a nonpartisan journalist fact-checked the President, they chose to be labeled as part of the liberal media or to intentionally leave the fact unchecked. Did this past election cycle have any nonpartisan media coverage? Does nonpartisan journalism have a future in modern-day politics? Justin Buchler shares his thoughts.