China, What Happened to Golf, Technology Intentionally

China, What Happened to Golf, Technology Intentionally

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 4, Episode 176

  • Aug 13, 2015 6:00 am
  • 2:00:44 mins

China: Friend or Foe (11:05)  Dr. Eric Hyer is an Associate professor in the Department of Political Science at Brigham Young University and the Coordinator for Asian Studies. His research focuses on China's foreign relations. He has authored many articles on China’s arms sales, territorial issues, and US-China relations. Today he helps to break through the misconceptions we may have about the people and culture of China.  Where Did the Golf Go? (45:07) Bob Casper is the son of legendary golfer, Billy Casper. He is the host of “Real Golf Radio.” You can listen to his show online or on American Forces Radio Network. Bob joins Kathy Aiken to talk about the decline of golf in America.  Technology Intentionally (1:27:31) Dr. Christine Carter,  Sociologist and senior fellow at UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center. Dr. Carter says, “social media can foster positive emotions—and positive emotions reduce stress, help us relax, give us energy, and lend our lives meaning and fulfill...

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