Prepare Him Room
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 1643
- Dec 22, 2020 7:00 am
- 56:50
Thanks for joining us on The Apple Seed! The lyrics of a common Christmas song adulates: Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare Him room, And heaven and nature sing. But what does it mean to “Let every heart prepare Him room?” Today’s special Christmas episode examines just that: how we may let allow room in our hearts for the spirit of Christmas. Storytellers Renee Englot, Peg Woodruff, Antoinette Griffin, and Mark Wait share tales of people making room in their hearts for Christmas! Whether through holiday festivities or serving others, we hope you too can have the beauty of Christmas in your hearts. On today’s episode, enjoy the following: “The Holly Crown” by Renee Englot (6:48) “Christmas in a Foreign Land” by Peggy Woodruff (2:20) “A Baker's Dozen” by Antoinette Griffin (9:22) “Hot Wheels Set” by Mark Wait (2:55) “You Dressed as a Gypsy and I as a Clown” by Sam Payne (26:14)